Monday, November 22, 2010

TSA Perverts

Perverted TSA (Transportation Security Administration) admitted an airport passenger screening went too far when an officer reached inside a female traveler's underwear. The woman was an employee of ABC News and the incident happened at Newark Airport one of 3 major airports serving NYC.

The victim said, "The woman who checked me reached her hands inside my underwear and felt her way around. It was basically worse than going to the gynecologist. It was embarrassing. It was demeaning. It was inappropriate."

The 7 year old granddaughter of a passenger was mortified seeing her busia get a "feel down" at the airport. When her granddaughter saw the pat down, “She said, "Grandmama, they touched you on your special girl spots" according to ABC News.

In another incident a bladder cancer survivor named Tom Sawyer said he was humiliated after a pat down broke his urostomy bag, leaving him soaked in his own urine. Sawyer said he warned the TSA officials twice the pat down could break the seal. He had to ask permission to pull up his urine soaked underpants and unfortunately he smelled of pee.

A flight attendant and breast cancer survivor said the TSA made her take off her prosthetic breast.

Complaints to the TSA get the responce - you don't have to submit to the body scanners or the pat downs adding though, that travelers would have to find a different form of transportation.

A video of a father taking his young son's shirt off so he can be searched has gone viral online with nearly half a million views in just three days. See below. Child molesters in general society got to jail.

Multimillion dollar deals with the government for high tech scanners that show too much under the clothes are made by companies who spend millions of dollars in lobbying to influence the dupki you vote into Congress.

L-3 Communications, which has sold $39.7 million worth of the machines to the federal government, inclued lobbyists like Linda Daschle wife of digraced South Dakota Senator Tom Daschle. She's a prominent Democratic figure in Washington, and is a former Federal Aviation Administration official.

The TSA maintains the aggressive "feel downs" are an important measure in preventing any exploding device from making it onto a plane. Change you can believe in is intrusive and demeaning. We now have the equivalent of Airport Gestapo. El Al the Israeli Airline has little problems with their methods of screening and has been keeping their passengers safe for decades without all the ridiculous aforementioned crap.

Keep voting the same dupki into office on the federal, state and local levels and put another industry out of business.

Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.

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