Thursday, December 27, 2012

No time for family or work

Americans spent millions of dollars financing the Presidential vacation to Hawaii.

Obama spent 21 hours on golf course, at gym during vacation...

Family time: 4 hours.... How Obama spent his vacation time

Dostać się do pracy

Gówno for Brains Michael Moore

Michael Moore: 'Calm Down, White People, and Put Away Your Guns'...
Complete story...

FLASHBACK: Michael Moore Bodyguard Arrested on Airport Gun Charge...

Dupek one-percenter Michael Moore said, "the reason for mass shootings in the United States is largely due to fear and racism", but the Aruora Colorado and Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings had no racial motivation involved. The Ft. Hood shooting was Muslim terrorism.

Moore's 2003 Oscar-winning film "Bowling for Columbine" criticizes what Moore calls America's "culture of fear" and its obsession with guns, but he has people packin' heat following him around.

opasły dupek Michael Moore
BTW, higher taxes on fat people for being a higher health risk.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Where is Daddy?

1 in 3 American children live without a father in the house representing 15 million kids. Under Obama add 1.2 million.

urządzenie kastracja

Careful who you work for

Poland has the backs of their diplomatic corps. In America the State Department keep feeding the public a bunch of B.S. This harkens back to the Ron Brown fiasco. Don’t remember Ron Brown? Google him.

Amerykanie robią nic, aby zmienić niekompetentnego rządu.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lazy Harry

America faces fiscal cliff and Senate leader Democrat Harry Reid adjourns the body to watch a movie and then adjourns the Senate to go home for Christmas. WTF?

pierdol się i wasze osły

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Keep your hands to yourself... Pig

  • Cop caught on tape giving two women body cavity search during routine traffic stop... and 'using the SAME gloves on both.
  • Angel Dobbs, 38, and niece Ashley Dobbs, 24, were pulled over on State Highway 161 near Irving, Texas.
  • Trooper searched car for marijuana before requesting invasive cavity search.
  • Older woman claims search by trooper Kellie Helleson irritated an anal cyst she was suffering causing 'severe pain and discomfort.
  • Also suing the Texas Department of Public Safety for failing to act on previous complaints about 'violating' searches.

Angel Dobbs said Helleson irritated an anal cyst she suffers from during the search, causing her 'severe and continuing pain and discomfort.' The suit said: 'Angel Dobbs was overwhelmed with emotion and a feeling of helplessness and reacted stating that Helleson had just violated her in a most horrific manner.'

The two women are also suing the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, Steven McCraw, who they claim ignored previous complaints about 'unlawful strip searches, cavity searches and the like.'

Read more in the Daily Mail

UPDATE: Trooper Kelly Helleson was suspended Wednesday December 19, the day after the two women she searched as part of a traffic stop earlier this year sued her and another trooper for what they called a violation of their privacy.

This crap is bad enough
Trzymaj swoje brudne łapy

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sandy Relief Pork

Poland was the only EU country not to have a down year during the fiscal crisis years.

The U.S. is continuing to spend recklessly.

The latest example is the $60 billion Hurricane Sandy Relief Act filled with "pork" for projects totally unrelated to the storm damage including $150 Million for Alaska fisheries.

It is also a mini-auto industry bail-out with the federal government buying cars from the sales slumping automobile companies.

Świnie w rządzie

Friday, December 14, 2012

Mad Max American

I don't think this issue is being discussed in Poland.

Co Amerykanie wiedzą - Co Amerykanie dbają?

Union Made

So called Reverend Charles Williams II screams at a union protest against right-to-work legislation in Lansing, Michigan. Williams introduced two Democratic state representatives and said, "Just know one thing, Rick Snyder. You sign that bill, you won't get no rest. We'll meet you on Geddes Road. We'll be at your daughter's soccer game. We'll visit you at your church. We'll be at your office."

When you can't win the argument on the merits, resort to threats and intimidation.

So much for peaceful democracy in America. And, you wonder why democracy will never work in the Middle East?

Jesteś hańbą dla Ameryki

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wrong Aid

Hurricaine Sandy Aid Package from Democrats includes millions of dollars for Smithsonian Museums, the Kennedy Space Center, and Forests.

Typical asinine Democrats steering onto the road Poland spent so much effort getting off of.


Zapped by wimp cops

According to WCVB-TV Boston
Cops use TASER on woman buying too many iPhones

Allegedly, the immigrant mother of two who spoke little English was video recording others in the store purchasing multiple I-Phones because she was limited to only two phones.
Police said the woman had been resisting arrest for about 15 minutes before a second officer arrived at the scene at a suburban store location.

The store had asked her to leave repeatedly.

I don't think Wyatt Earp would have whipped out a taser. Old lawmen weren't wimps. They would have grabbed and cuffed the less powerful woman and thrown her in the paddy wagon.

Xiaojie Li, of Newton, MA will be in court in January.

Not long ago a woman was Tasered for blocking a McDonald's drive-thru.

Opasły, leniwych gliniarzy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

nie czarny humor

From the Daily Mail

At a recent exhibition match against Maria Sharapova in Brazil, Caroline Wozniacki the former world No. 1 stuffed towels in her tennis outfit to replicate the body of the curvaceous Grand Slam champion.

Wozniacki has been accused of doing a 'racist' impersonation of fellow tennis player Serena Williams after stuffing her bra and shorts.

Full Story in the Daily Mail

Ona nadziewane stanik - To nie tak jak ona... Cóż, nigdy nie przeszkadza.

To rasistowskie gówno wymyka z rąk!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Obama. Sandy & Katrina

'I worked in Katrina and Katrina was run better than Sandy.'

- Anonymous FEMA first responder

Using the same logic the liberals did back in 2005 against Bush - Obama must hate whites for lack of resolving the hurricane mess.

If I have to expalin it... spadaj z mojego bloga

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Big Brother Watching You

NSA whistleblower William Binney in an interview with RT said the FBI records the emails of nearly all US citizens, including members of congress, and warned that the government can use this information against anyone.

Decode this: Zaufaj mi, jestem szpiegiem

Obama the Republican

Talking out of both sides of his mouth, Obama, the flip-flop king offered raising the debt ceiling last summer by closing loopholes and not raising taxes on July 22, 2011.

Po prostu się zamknij.  Sprawiasz, inteligentni ludzie chorzy.

Jak głupi rząd może być?

Democrats are yelling for more taxes so they can piss more money away. For example The Department of Homeland Security spent part of  $7.1 billion program dollars to make cities safer from terrorism by paying for 13 sno-cone machines in Michigan, a $98,000 underwater robot in Columbus, Ohio, an armored vehicle for a tiny New Hampshire town that uses it to patrol the annual pumpkin festival, and humorous videos that offered little valuable information for fighting real threats, according to an investigation by Sen. Tom Coburn.

    Nic dziwnego, kraj ten będzie w toalecie

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Obama ought to know better about increasing taxes on the rich... they don't pay.
Here are some examples of those who were or are in trouble with the IRS.

Chris Tucker >$11.5mil

Wesley Snipes >$7mil

Dwayne "Lil Wayne" Carter >$5mil


Richard Dent >$1mil

David "Sinbad" Adkins >$8.5mil

Forest Whitaker >$185k


President Barack Obama met with several MSNBC hosts this afternoon at the White House to discuss tax rates, according to Huffington Post reporter Jennifer Bendery. The reporter wondered if an "MSNBC love fest" was going on at the White House.
-- From the Weekly Standard

Speaking of MSNBC -- On Alex Wagner's show Grover Norquist criticized President Barack Obama  saying he "overplayed his hand" in the fiscal cliff negotiations because he thinks "somebody made him king."

And to think leftists aren't concerned about Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi .

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Texas Teacher Makes Kids Pay to Pee

Not Actual Victim

At Irvine Elementary School in Texas going to the bathroom costs 2 "Boyd Bucks" that are earned with good behavior.

A mother of a 7-year-old student says her son wet his pants in class after his teacher refused to let him use the restroom.

An honor roll student, needed to go to the bathroom, but he sat back down because he didn’t have any Boyd Bucks, and he wet his pants.

Of course the other kids in the class are making fun of the unfortunate victim.

The school did not discipline the teacher involved.

To the teacher: Jedz gówno i umrzeć

Friday, November 16, 2012

Corruption or what?

Lawsuit Alleges “Corruption and Negligence” at Department of Energy regarding electric vehicle grants.

Incompident Nancy

Pelosi: 'Is it the 11th Amendment? 14th? Whatever... I'm With the Constitution'

Democrats made the liberal whack job Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) minority leader again following November's elections.  At her regular weekly press briefing she displays a disturbing lack of knowledge of the constitution she has sworn for decades to protect and defend.

A licensed plumber must know building codes, a traffic cop must be familiar with rules of the road and teachers must be experts on the subject they teach.
  Why would anyone vote for and people elect Congressmen that don't have a firm grasp on the most important document of all the Constitution?   Nancy, we ratified it in 1789, so we know what's in it.  
  Dowodzi to, jak głupie Kalifornia jest.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sell Low - Buy High

According to Roger Pollock of the Washington Examiner: "Federal officials sold hundreds of emergency trailers for disaster victims at fire-sale prices in the months before Hurricane Sandy churned toward the United States.

Now, with thousands of families left homeless in New York and New Jersey by the hurricane, those same federal officials are poised to spend more taxpayer dollars to buy brand-new trailers."

Think this government can do anything right about managing money or anything else?

Więcej długu przez idiotów

Sandy Relief

Obama has received little criticism for the federal government's handling of the Sandy Hurricane disaster which is still crippling areas of New York where many families remain homeless or without power.

With Bush and Katrina they - zgrywanie nowego odbytnicę

idioci w rządzie i mediach

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Presidential Delusion

Obama: 'Temperature around globe increasing faster than was predicted'...  

Global warming stopped 16 years ago

Mr. President, don't let the facts get in the way of your delusions  

See also: previous blog entry

James Lovelock, the Chicken Little of global warming, told the asininely liberal cable news channel he had been unduly “alarmist” about climate change.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Champion of Failure

Congrats Barack! Another new food stamp record!

The federal government held back the release of the latest food stamp numbers until after the election and the stats reveal why: there are now 47.1 million Americans receiving food stamps. That’s a 420,947 increase in one month.

Also, it's likely everyone in Ohio who voted for the food stamp President is very confused today because they just received a big fat cut to their food stamp benefits averaging about $50 less per month.

Ameryka potrzebuje pracy

Hillary - Rather Get Buzzed

Hillary can't attend Congress hearing on Benghazi because she's busy visiting friends, wine tasting in Australia.

Besides owning up to the real reason 4 Americans begging for help died in Lybia... She could explain why husband Bill getting oral sex in the Map Room of the White House gets a pass while General Patraeus gets crucified.

In 2007, "progressives" smeared General Petraeus, running a full page ad in the New York Times  claiming that he’s a traitor to his country because his assessment of the war in Iraq differs from what they want to hear. Of course, this happened BEFORE they heard what he has to say.

These “progressives” are downright sick and deranged doesn’t even begin to cover their behavior.

Lewinsky is not a Polish Name, BTW
liberałowie ssać

Not Worth a Minute

According to Fox News reporter Todd Starnes, nearly 200 high school hockey teams in Pennsylvania have been advised to eliminate the National Anthem because it takes too much time to perform and costs too much money.

"We are recommending the National Anthem not be played or sung or whatever it is," Ed Sam, commissioner of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Hockey League (PIHL) told Fox News. "It has absolutely nothing to do with patriotism at all. That's the furthest thing from the truth."

Schools were notified of the directive in an email from the PIHL. He said teams are only allotted a certain amount of time to play matches.

Sam also said it had to do with economics. He said ice time is quite expensive and the national anthem eats into the clock.

Thousands of dollars are spent on equipment, uniforms, officials and facilities for a single ice hockey game. The National Anthem takes between 1:14 and 1:32 to perform. That is an average of $7.00 to conduct the total song. Mr. Sam believes this is just too much to spend on promoting patriotism and love of country to American students and families.

Where would anyone get an idea like that from?

Monday, November 12, 2012

'Bama of Nazareth?

Figurines of President Barack Obama are being put in nativity scenes in shops in Naples, Italy for the Christmas season.

  Daj mi spokój


Los Angeles City Council wants residents be vegetarian on Mondays.

The dupki voted 12-0 vote endorsing the "meatless Monday" campaign and asking residents to make a personal pledge to ditch meat for one day a week.

The resolution makes L.A. the largest city to sign on to the international "Meatless Mondays" campaign, which aims to reduce meat consumption for health and environmental reasons.

It also comes two years after L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa told The L.A. Times that he had cut meat from his Monday diet as part of his health regimen. The mayor. I presume is Catholic, and ought not eat meat on Fridays during lent. So, does that mean meatless Mondays and Fridays for millions in L.A.? Good! the price of Beef and Pork will fall.

Don't you wish government would concentrate on important stuff, and keep their nose out of my plate?

jeść gówno i umrzeć L.A.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Despecable Democrat

Estelle Carson named “Democrat of The Year” this year by the Jefferson County Democratic Party in Colorado has been convicted of felony theft. The despicable Democrat stole checks from a developmentally disabled 71-year-old woman using them to pay her own cable, cell phone and Internet bills.

The victim is partially blind, developmentally disabled, has cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair. She is on a fixed income of $596 per month according to the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office.

Despecable Democrat Estelle Carson

nie potrzebuję Demokratów

Democrat Thuggery

In Alta Loma, California someone keyed the word “Obama” into two cars and slashed seats in another outside a residence that had Mitt Romney campaign signs.

A TV reporter spoke to Ken Slown, owner of one of the keyed vehicles. Slown actually supports President Obama!

He explained to Schmitt that he and his wife — both currently unemployed — are staying with her parents and it’s her parents who support Romney.

"I don’t know if they were trying to get a point across, to vote for Obama,” said Slown, “but to do something like this is not going to get the point across.”

He estimates the damage to both of his vehicles at about $3,400.

In addition to both cars being keyed, his wife’s vehicle had her seats slashed, as well. Said Slown, “They pretty much cut the backs of all of the seats.”

A neighbor, who also has a Romney/Ryan sign in their front yard, were also hit. “Obama” keyed in the hood and on the black gate of an SUV.

Report from KCAL-TV.

Demokraci idą do piekła

Nasty Campaign

Democrats supposedly vandalised a church marquee sign in Huntington, Indiana last week. Under the cover of darkness the sign was changed to read -  “Christ voted Democrat” and the other side read “Romney hates women”, the remaining letters were stolen.

The pastor of the church, said the statements on the sign were vandalism and that the authorities had been contacted.

Brak szacunku dla Kościoła - Demokraci idą do piekła

Friday, October 26, 2012

Oh! Sweet Poverty

The U.S. spent more than $60,000 to support welfare programs per household in poverty in 2011 according to the OMB and CRS.

16.8 million households divided by the federal money spent =  average spending per household in poverty of $61,194."

However, some above the poverty line also receive benefits from social welfare programs (e.g. pell grants).

If welfare is a safety net it seems to be gold plated.

U.S. Welfare Queen

Monday, September 3, 2012

Democrat Thuggery

Lee Saunders president of the public workers' union AFSCME, got violent with an empty chair and imaginary Clint Eastwood at an Ohio DNC breakfast meeting. The audience cheered and laughed.

Seems the civility Democrats have called for since Gabby Gifford's ordeal doesn't apply to them.

Your Democrat neighbors... seem to embrace violence.

In an advanced culture like Poland, civilized people tend to use their highly developed rhetorical skills in political debate... ideas rather than brutishness.

What has America come to? If you dislike Clint... don't take it out on an innocent chair.

Wyglądasz jak goryl -- zachowujesz się jak goryl zbyt

Monday, August 27, 2012

Obama Moon

Paying tribute to Neil Armstrong's passing the only way he knows how.

"Any way we can make this all about him?” And that attitude starts at the top. Just ask Queen Elizabeth, as she’s deleting all the Obama videos from the iPod he gave her…" -- Jim Treacher's Quote

Fearless leader of Seal Team 6 gazing at the moon.... yeah, he built that too.

posted on Obama’s official Tumblr page

There hasn't been a Polish President so narcissistic.

Obama, dorastać!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sworn to uphold the Constitution

Thursday a suit was filed against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano by Federal immigration agents. The complaint claims recent directives are forcing them to break the law when it comes to deporting illegal immigrants. Directives allowing illegal non-felons and those who came  as children  to stay and get work permits violates federal laws.

The plaintiff's attorney equated this to the failed Fast and Furious gun-walking operation. He said, "In both instances, the Obama administration ordered federal law enforcement agents to break the law, to ignore the laws that they're supposed to enforce, and, in the case of the ICE agents, to actually break federal laws that say you're supposed to deport certain people," he said. "And in each case, the Obama administration seems to be doing so for political reasons."

Szanować Konstytucję

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Democrat's convention will shut down a cancer treatment clinic in Charlotte, N.C. for at least 4 days starting September 4.

This has nothing to due with Obamacare, but none the less in Poland more compassion would be shown for those needing treatment to survive cancer.

Democrats are about as compassionate as "Uncle Joe"...Stalin.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Ban Fresh Milk & Lemonade

This past Saturday citizens marched on Washington to demand the government stop interfering in sales of fresh milk and stop shutting down kids’ lemonade stands.

The Raw Milk Freedom Riders and Lemonade Freedom Day, got together to protest government interference.

“This issue is not just about raw milk and it’s not just about lemonade. It’s about every individual’s right to consume the food of their choice,” said Robert Fernandes, founder of Lemonade Freedom Day.

The food freedom movement has grown because more people are looking for alternatives to supermarkets and want a direct line to producers of food perhaps fearing more government control interfering with their supply of products they desire and with it prices paid.

There have been many news items regarding local authorities shutting down and fining kids lemonade stands and Amish folks being arrested and prosecuted for selling raw milk as well as authorities knocking on doors of consumers of these products.

Mniej rządu. więcej swobody.
Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Obama increases meat prices?

To protect ethanol, Obama seeks to inflate meat prices according to  Washington Examiner .

Corn crop is stressed due to drought, 13 Billion barrels of ethanol are mandated by government, and now the government is buying Million of dollars of meat because they think prices are too low.

All this is market manipulation.

Not enough protection

There are more tax preparers in America than Cops and Firefighters combined.

Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.

Eat your words instead

A Boston area baker is appalled that welfare abuse now seems rampant. She is refusing to take EBT cards for her baked treats.

“I don’t think American taxpayers should be footing the bill for people’s pie purchases,” said Andrea Taber, proprietor of the Ever So Humble Pie Company to the Boston Herald.

Now the baker is facing a whole lot of heat -- hotter than her oven.

And, Progressives are calling for a ban or restrictions on salt, transfats, and sugar sodas. How do you say in English....., um,....HYPOCRITES!

Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Union Stalking

Big Labor is exempt from anti-stalking laws in at least four states: Pennsylvania, California, Illinois and Nevada have all exempted unions from anti-stalking laws according to a new report released by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Beware of a huge, ugly guy with scraped knuckles and a broken nose named Nunzio following you home to "persuade" you to.... well, you know.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sure, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg suggested to Egyptians don't look to the U.S. Constitution as a model for their own. Now, she's looking at the lyrics in Opera to support her demented views on Law.

Click here for AP story.

Do you think in Poland judges look to polkas for direction?

Jak cie widza, tak cie pisza

Thursday, August 2, 2012

ICE in the toilet

According to a news report morale of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents is at an all-time low.

The cause is the Obama's major changes to the nation’s immigration enforcement policy, called by some as backdoor amnesty. This policy change was done by executive order, not Congressional action.

“Morale is in the toilet right now, most of the guys out in the field are just in an uproar. We feel like the administration is against us and not the people who are violating our laws.” - Comments by Chris Crane, president of the National ICE Council.

Straż Graniczna is the border protection agency in Poland.

Responsibilities of Straż Graniczna included:

prevention of illegal crossing of the land and sea border by people and goods (smuggling)
ensuring safety in the border area
combat any threats to national security in the border area

They do a good job in Poland because the Polish Government supports the mission.

ICE would do as well if they weren't being jacked around.

Nie bądź głupi, chronić granicę