Monday, July 30, 2012

Obama appointees interfer with prosecution of Black Panthers

At least someone is reporting that a Federal Court found Obama appointees interfered with New Black Panther prosecution of voter intimidation during the 2008 Presidential election.

BTW, AG Holder - - MF Global Was Client of Eric Holder’s Law Firm.

In Poland, Former Governor and Senator then Head of MF Global would/should be prosecuted.

BTW, AG Holder was held in contempt of Congress regarding lack of forthcomingness in the Fast & Furious scandal.

Is all this lesser of a thing than Waco or Ruby Ridge from a previous Democrat administration?

Nie rozśmieszaj mnie

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Janet "Pomylony"' Napolitano

An official from the TSA testified this past week that Americans who are on the no-fly list because they have been linked to terrorism are permitted by the government to attend flight school and receive a pilot’s license.

25 illegals, according to the GAO who had overstayed their allowed admission into the United States, were able to attend a Boston-area flight school that was itself owned by illegal alien. Three were able to get FAA pilot licenses.

Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Racist Game

Black Mob Knockout Game?

The version played in St. Louis is the most popular, so let’s start there:

Begin with a bunch of black people. Anywhere from five to 50.

Find a white person, but an Asian will do.

Alone is important.

Older is better.

Weak and defenseless even more so.

Without warning, punch that person in the face as hard as you can. You win if you score a Knockout.

If not, keep punching until your arms and legs get too tired to continue. Or the person dies.

In March of this year, an unconscious Pete Kruchowski was found in the early morning in the middle of the street, near his bike, which showed little sign of damage.

Kruchowski suffered skull fractures, broken bones, a punctured lung, and bruises.

Who Can Vote

Election officials throughout the country report a surge of voter registrations from animals, dead people and noncitizens.

The Democrats put up a fight about requiring ID to vote.

Demokrata - jeść gówno i umrzeć

Hey, Need a Birth Certificate?

According to WND, under Hawaii Revised Statute 338-17.8, a person only has to be an established resident of Hawaii, not necessarily a U.S. citizen, and pay taxes there for one year to be able to register an out-of-state or foreign-born person with an official Hawaii birth certificate.

This presents serious national security problems. Hawaii may be producing 'false papers' for bad actors.

ty głupi ananas

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dry Run?

YES, units are training in residential neighborhoods. A good thing if you're preparing for martial law. There was a year and a half of martial law in Poland during the 1980s. It's not fun.


New Civilian Obama Army

As part of the 'Change' promised by Barack 'Hope and Change' Obama - Get ready for the Civilian Army he talked about during the campaign, but kept it on the QT during his tenure as President.

Here's what candidate Obama said: We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

The new Army was made possible on page 1312 of Obamacare.

Do you think your Senator or Representative even got to page 1312 much less read anything at all in the 2700 pages that comprise the bill?

They passed the bill so we could know what's in it as Pelosi said.

In Poland, the lawmakers read bills before they vote on them. Never do they pass bills to see what's in them.

BTW, brown shirts are not so popular in Poland.

Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bull Train

California is billions of dollars in the hole. The Democrats there just passed a bill to spend $4.7 billion on a bullet train... which they need about as much as these children need bullets.