Wednesday, April 30, 2014

American Gestapo

Obama's campaign promise:'Civilian National Security Force' just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as the military

1. Chula Vista, California - a Border Patrol agent is accused of leaping on the hood of a car driven by a mother of five and shooting her dead. She was unarmed. The agent had been fired from his previous job as a sheriff's deputy for a variety of misconduct.

2. Brownsville, Texas - Customs officer violently pushed a disabled woman to the ground. She had a miscarriage the next day. Firefighters had to be called to remove handcuffs that allegedly had bound her wrists too tightly.
3.  El Paso, Texas  - A female citizen's return to the United States was intrusive and painful. She was pulled from a line at the border crossing, apparently on the suspicion that she was carrying drugs. She was handcuffed. Over the next six hours, agents escorted her to a hospital, where they oversaw the probing of her anus and vagina, forced her to take a laxative and then watched as she moved her bowels. When no drugs were found, they ordered her to submit to an X-ray and a CT scan.

When the ordeal was over, the officers asked her to sign a consent form before they allowed her to return to her home in New Mexico. When she refused, the hospital billed her thousands of dollars for the procedures.

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zaskarżyć dranie

Monday, April 21, 2014

Up your tailpipe

Al Gore, the President and a host of other climate change wackos who think there is a problem with using fossil fuels make the problem worse not better by supporting Corn Ethanol additives to gasoline.

Biofuels made from corn are worse than gasoline, challenging the Obama administration's conclusions that they are a much cleaner oil alternative and will help combat climate change.

The federal government wasted half a billion dollars telling us people with a little common sense E-85 is a pile of horse manure. The study published last week in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Climate Change concludes that biofuels made with corn release 7 percent more greenhouse gases compared with conventional gasoline.

Not only that, but E-85 ruins older engines in automobiles and cuts corn for human consumption pushing prices higher for food. The U.S. government is pissing millions of dollars away with corn fuel subsidies as well. Producers get a $1 per gallon subsidy. Otherwise, there is no profit for the silly program. 

Critics say the research is flawed. I say since alcohol made from corn and put into gasoline mixes with water unlike oil products, eventually, all gas tanks get water inside them. After Hitler lost the Romanian oil fields he tried running his tanks on alcohol. In the rainy season most of the tanks stopped running properly if at all.

Not only does it take about as much energy to distill from corn as is given back from a gallon of modified gasoline, there is much carbon from farm machinery getting the corn and field residue collected.

Jak kurwa głupi możesz być?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Out of Control Debt

If we were serious about paying of the U.S. National Debt each American  would have to shell out $52,000. If we relied on only employed Americans the amount increases to $106,000.  The nation's debt  has grown 58 percent under President Obama, according to Harvard University's Institute of Politics annual report on the USA.

Today the nation's debt is $17 Trillion, up from $10.6 trillion inherited by Obama. “The debt has grown so quickly because of large and repeated annual deficits in federal spending,” said the report.

The Annual Report of the USA, done in partnership with the American Education Foundation, found that food stamp usage has surged 77 percent during the recession and that Social Security benefits will be slashed 23 percent starting in 2033 unless Congress and the White House institute sweeping reforms.

“If the federal government spent its yearly revenues exclusively on debt reduction and ceased all of its operations, it would take three of four years to pay down the debt.

Harvard said that from the beginning of the recession in late 2007, average monthly participation in the food stamp program jumped to historic levels and an annual bill of $30.4 billion.

The news isn't much better on the Social Security front: “Without reform, Social Security beneficiaries will face a 23 percent benefit cut in 2033. By 2087, beneficiaries will receive 28 percent less than calculated under the current benefit formula."

Call to arrest the Feds

Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy has called on Clark County Sheriff Douglas Gillespie to start arresting Bureau of Land Management agents on charges of trespassing and theft as his battle against the federal government intensifies.

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Christianity under attack

Last week, Christians formed a  human shield around a church in China. They flocked to the Sanjiang church in Wenzhou - a rich port city known as the “Jerusalem of the East” because of its large Christian community - after its demolition was announced. 

Faithless Communist officials have denied waging a “demolition campaign” against churches in the country's most Christian regions, after reportedly ordering a dozen to be destroyed.

The churches - in the eastern province of Zhejiang - are currently facing demolition or having their crosses removed, activists claim. Other churches are said to have been ordered to make themselves “less conspicuous” by turning their lights off at night.

Boże chroń kościoły


Thank God

For 7 years Professor Mike Adams Officials at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington was denied pay increases and promotion to full professorship because of his Christian beliefs. 

How do I know? He was awarded  $50,000 in back pay and promoted him to a full professorship, backdated to 2007 by  Senior U.S. District Judge Malcolm Howard.

The court's order reminds universities that they cannot retaliate against those who simply express opinions that some officials do not like, in this case Christian views expressed in his writings and lectures.

The jury concluded the school unfairly denied a promotion to a professor who was celebrated when he was hired as an atheist but then faced retaliation when he became a Christian.

Chrześcijanie uzyskać szacunek w Polsce

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The consequences of Obama's 'capitulation'

If Obama's perceived weakness emboldened Russia's Putin to grab neighboring territory he thought rightfully his, then what must be going through the minds of other tyrants?

International experts are expressing worries and offering remedies before someone else decides to test America's president again ...
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Russia, China and Iran know it

A new Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact?

F. Michael Maloof reports on WND: A strengthened German-Russian axis could develop from the crisis over Ukraine as the influence of the U.S. and its campaign to unite Europe behind American leadership under the NATO flag diminishes.

The borders  from Estonia-to-Azerbaijan are the new ‘Maginot’ line, and President Obama has taken U.S. military preparedness to pre-WWII levels.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is the modern day Neville Chamberlain and Obama relies on Putin in regards to problems with nuclear aspiring Iran and the fireworks in Syria.

Polacy sobie sprawę, to jest straszne. Na Ukrainie wydaje się, 1939 jest tutaj ponownie.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Americans on Medicaid Exceed Population of UK

Were Medicaid a nation instead of a U.S. entitlement program it would be the 20th most populous country on earth.

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Americans taxed to death

According to a report released Monday by the Tax Foundation, this year Tax Freedom Day falls 111 days into 2014, on April 21.

By April 21, the group says, Americans will have made enough to pay the $3 trillion in federal taxes and $1.5 trillion in state taxes — more than they will spend on food clothing and housing combined.

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Amerykańska rewolucja walczyli wysokich i niesprawiedliwych podatków

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Not like Solidarność

The student-led unrest began in San Cristobal in Venezuela's “wild west” near the Colombia border two months ago and has quickly spiraled into a nationwide movement during which at least 39 people have been killed. 

Since the death of Hugo Chavez the rancor over the “Cubanisation” of Venezuela has lead to near total devastation for the country.  Mass demonstrations led by now imprisoned Leopoldo Lopez, a charismatic young Harvard-educated economist, have turned into deadly assaults against the government. Even a top ranking general is in hiding because he opposed the new President Nicolas Maduro bringing in top Cuban military advisers who's modus operandi is repression of dissent, crushing of protest, and the use of armed paramilitary groups to unleash an ever greater deadly military action against the opposition.

Read more in the London Telegraph

Meanwhile, in a country where milk, rice, sugar and toilet paper are so scarce a ration system has been put in place, cosmetic surgery is changing the shape of Venezuela's mannequins.

Shop-window dummies with enlarged breasts, tiny waists and unnaturally sculpted rears are catering for the national obsession with implants and plastic surgery.

Venezuela's obsession  with beauty and physical perfection has been influenced more by its repeated success in 1970s and 1980s beauty pageants, when three Miss Venezuelas – the  first sporting a nose job suggested by the competition's organiser – were crowned Miss Universe. "When there is a defect, I correct it," Miss Venezuela chairman

Osmel Sousa told the paper. "If it can be easily fixed with surgery, then why not do it? I say inner beauty doesn't exist. That's something that unpretty women  invented to justify themselves."

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Obama Hotel Bill > 1.5 Million

In late March, President Obama took a week-long trip through Europe which included a stop of less than 24 hours in Brussels, Belgium for meetings with the European Union and NATO. The president stayed at The Hotel, a twenty-seven story hotel in the center of the city. The estimated cost for the president's stay, including about two weeks for an advance team, was $1,522,646.36.

Read More in the Weekly Standard

Federal Agencies are Gun Crazy

The number of law enforcement agents, such as these from the
Environmental Protection Agency, have grown in recent years.
Every federal agency including the one that should do nothing more than study the oceans and weather seem to want their own police force.

By Rob Nikolewski │ New Mexico Watchdog

SANTA FE, N.M. — In late February, four federal agents carrying side arms with a drug-sniffing dog descended on the Taos Ski Valley in what was called a “saturation patrol.”

Authorities were working on tips of possible drug selling and impaired driving in the ski resort’s parking lot and surrounding area.

But the agents weren't from the FBI, ATF or even the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Rather, the agents represented the U.S. Forest Service.

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“It’s one of the untold stories about government,” said former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, who lives in Taos, is an avid skier and has been a leading critic of the operation that turned up only a few minor infractions. “People don’t grasp the size and the scope of these entities and their law enforcement arms.”

It may come as a surprise to many U.S. taxpayers, but a slew of federal agencies — some whose responsibilities seem to have little to do with combating crime — carry active law enforcement operations.

Here’s a partial list:

•The U.S. Department of Education
•The Bureau of Land Management (200 uniformed law enforcement ra
ngers and 70 special agents)
    •The U.S. Department of the Interior
    •The U.S. Postal Inspection Service (with an armed uniformed division of 1.000)
    •The National Park Service (made up of NPS protection park rangers and U.S. Park Police officers

     that operate independently)
    •The Environmental Protection Agency (200 special agents)
    •The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (224 special agents)
    •The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

That’s right, NOAA — the folks who forecast the weather, monitor the atmosphere and keep tabs on the oceans and waterways — has its own law enforcement division. It has a budget of $65 million and consists of 191 employees, including 96 special agents and 28 enforcement officers who carry weapons.

“There's no question there's been a proliferation of police units at the federal level,” said Tim Lynch, director of the Project On Criminal Justice for the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank based in Washington, D.C. “To me, its been a never-ending expansion, a natural progression, if you will, of these administrative agencies always asking for bigger budgets and a little bit more power.”

It's been estimated the U.S. has some 25,000 sworn law enforcement officers in departments not traditionally associated with fighting crime. According to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, and in a tabulation compiled by the Wall Street Journal in 2011, 3,812 criminal investigators are working in areas other than the U.S. departments of Treasury, Justice, Defense and Homeland Security.

Lynch says it's hard to tell how much money federal agencies spend on their respective law enforcement divisions.

READ ALSO: You fat? Here are 7 epic text messages you may soon receive from the White House.

“We need a fuller accounting of exactly how many police units have proliferated in the federal government and how much it's costing taxpayers,” said Lynch, who said he would like to see members of Congress ask agency officials direct questions about budget and staffing.

The Wall Street Journal reported that, in 2008, agents armed with assault rifles from NOAA, along with officers from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, raided a businesswoman's offices in Miami looking into charges that she was violating the Endangered Species Act by trading in coral.

“I felt like I was being busted for drugs, instead of coral,” Morgan Mok said afterward. “It was crazy.”

Mok said she obtained the coral legally and eventually paid a $500 fine and served a year's probation for failing to complete the proper paperwork.

Why is a law enforcement arm necessary at NOAA?

“NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement protects marine wildlife and habitat by enforcing domestic laws and international treaty requirements designed to ensure these global resources are available for future generations,” NOAA spokesman David Miller said in an email to New Mexico Watchdog, pointing out that the division has existed since 1970. “Our special agents and enforcement officers ensure compliance with the nation's marine resource laws and take enforcement action when these laws are violated.”

As for the U.S. Forest Service, Special Agent Robin Poague defended the use of the agency’s law enforcement officers — called LEOs — in the Taos operation that resulted in harsh criticism from many residents.

“Rangers were armed when the Forest Service started 100 years ago,” Poague said. “We have a long history of law enforcement.”

Portions of the Taos Ski Valley sit on federal land. If there were suspicions of drug activity leading to the operation in February, why not use the DEA instead?

“U.S. Forest Service land is our primary responsibility, it’s not the DEA’s,” Poague told New Mexico Watchdog by telephone from his office in Albuquerque.

A Forest Service recruitment video says the agency employs about 700 law enforcement personnel. Poague said the service's law enforcement division was created in 1994.

But many other federal agencies established their own after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

In the aftermath of the attacks, the FBI shifted its attention to tackling terrorism, and Congress gave permanent powers to inspectors general in more than two dozen agencies.

By last count, 25 agencies with law enforcement divisions fall under their respective offices of inspectors general.

With their growth has come criticism that officers are becoming overly militarized.

“The whole notion of police operations these days, that they’re dressed to kill, that they’re up against an enemy, is wrong,” Johnson said. “Citizens are not the enemy.”

In 2010, the Department of Education defended its purchase of 27 12-gauge shotguns to replace old firearms used by its Office of Inspector General, the law enforcement arm of the department. DoE said the guns were necessary to help combat “waste, fraud, abuse, and other criminal activity involving Federal education funds, programs and operations.”

A year later, DoE Office of Inspector General special agents raided a California home at 6 a.m. to apprehend a man the department said was involved in criminal activity. DoE officials did not say why the raid was conducted, releasing a statement that said, “the office conducts raids on issues such as bribery, fraud, and embezzlement of federal student aid funds.”

“In these cases, it causes you to think, is this agency really necessary, is this unit really necessary,” Lynch said.

In an email to New Mexico Watchdog, a spokeswoman for the DoE Office of Inspector General — the department's law enforcement arm — reported it has a staff of 260 members, 90 of which are criminal investigators. Its budget is $57.7 million for fiscal 2014.

Defenders of the agencies say armed law enforcement provides a deterrent and that agents need to be armed to protect themselves against potentially dangerous criminals.

In fact, just last month a Forest Service ranger in North Carolina was shot and killed by a murder suspect, who also killed a police dog. On Jan. 1, 2012, a National Park ranger was shot and killed at Mount Rainier, in Washington state.
Contact Rob Nikolewski at and follow him on Twitter @robnikolewski
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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Government sends you to SEX HOT LINE

Callers dialing a number seen on California's Affordable Care Act Health Exchange website heard sexy talk. Obviously a bureaucratic SNAFU.

But, the government has a history of SNAFUs: 

1. In 2008 a phone line was set up by U.S. Department of Fish & Wildlife, in order for Americans to purchase a stamp that would allow them to hunt ducks during the upcoming season. A card provided listed two numbers where the stamps could be purchased. The first number listed was 1-800-STAMP24. But, due to a printing error, the alternative number to call if that number was busy was listed as 1-800-TRAMP24. While the duck stamps cost $15 a piece, when duck hunters called the number listed they were offered a far better deal. For only $1.99 a minute a recorded message offered callers the opportunity to " to the girls that turn you on." WHAT A DEAL!! Interestingly enough, in a rare display of federal government frugality, the fish and wildlife people decided that it would be too expensive to reprint the cards with the correct number - and let duck hunting enthusiasts figure it out for themselves for the remainder of the season.

2. In 2012, Florida Governor Rick Scott directed Floridians to call the state's Department of Health if the wanted information about a fungal meningitis outbreak. During his announcement, Scott inadvertently gave out the wrong number which led callers to an automated message featuring a sultry young female who said "Hello boys; thank you for calling me on my anniversary," and then directed the concerned citizens to a menu featuring a host of "naughty options." It is unclear whether the young girl featured in the recording had fungal meningitis. But, it's pretty likely.

3. In Florida, a year later, deputies in Lake County printed up a brochure that listed the rights of victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. It also provided an emergency hotline number, which directed people to a sex line instead. When dialed, a recorded message said, "Welcome to America's hottest talk line.

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