This week the Supreme Court will hear challenges to ObamaCare’s controversial “birth control mandate,” which requires companies to offer contraceptive services to workers as part of their insurance coverage.
This action pits the government against Hobby Lobby, a national craft store chain and Conestoga Woods Specialties, a Pennsylvania-based cabinetmaker. They say their companies should be exempted from the mandate to provide contraceptive coverage because the owners object to it on religious grounds.
This law suit is among nearly a hundred legal assaults on the contraception mandate including one from the Little Sisters of the Poor. The firms cite both the First Amendment's free exercise clause and the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which provides that, “government shall not substantially burden a person's exercise of religion.”
Atak na religię!
"Oddajcie Cezarowi to, co należy do Cezara, a Bogu to, co należy do Boga."
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Wąchania dupę
Unfortunately due to terrorists our lives have been altered drastically when it comes to our property and even our bodies.
Former President Jimmy Carter recently stated, 'My own communications are probably monitored'
The peanut farmer turned Commander-In-Chief says he corresponds with foreign leaders the old-fashioned way – through snail mail – because he suspects his communications are watched by intelligence agencies.
“I have felt that my own communications are probably monitored,” Carter said in an interview with Andrea Mitchell that was aired earlier today."
“And when I want to communicate with a foreign leader privately, I type or write the letter myself, put it in the Post Office and mail it, because I believe if I send an email, it will be monitored,” Carter said.
The concern over domestic spying and rights of citizens to reasonable search protections has reduced our society to:
Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither -- Ben Franklin.
Zastanawiam się, dlaczego Ben Franklin jest nadal na $100 Federal Reserve Note. Substytutem pieniądza.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Wąchania dupę, każdy krok na drodze
The littlest infraction of the law is enough to get your name and other personal information logged into a massive, obscure federal database run by the U.S. military.
Over 500 million records are in the Law Enforcement Information Exchange, or LinX, ranging from criminal histories and arrest reports to field information cards filled out by cops on the beat even when no crime has occurred.
LinX is a national information-sharing hub for federal, state and local law enforcement agencies run by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. It is raising concerns among some military law experts that putting such detailed data about ordinary citizens in the hands of military officials crosses the line that generally prohibits the armed forces from conducting civilian law enforcement operations.
Recent disclosures of the National Security Agency spying on Americans, and the CIA allegedly spying on Congress heightens fears.
Eugene Fidell, who teaches military law at Yale Law School, called LinX “domestic spying.”
“Clearly, it cannot be right that any part of the Navy is collecting traffic citation information,” Fidell said. “This sounds like something from a third-world country, where you have powerful military intelligence watching everybody.”
LinX administrators say it is nothing more than an information-sharing network that connects records from participating police departments across the country. I thinl communist Poland had a similar system.
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Over 500 million records are in the Law Enforcement Information Exchange, or LinX, ranging from criminal histories and arrest reports to field information cards filled out by cops on the beat even when no crime has occurred.
LinX is a national information-sharing hub for federal, state and local law enforcement agencies run by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. It is raising concerns among some military law experts that putting such detailed data about ordinary citizens in the hands of military officials crosses the line that generally prohibits the armed forces from conducting civilian law enforcement operations.
Recent disclosures of the National Security Agency spying on Americans, and the CIA allegedly spying on Congress heightens fears.
Eugene Fidell, who teaches military law at Yale Law School, called LinX “domestic spying.”
“Clearly, it cannot be right that any part of the Navy is collecting traffic citation information,” Fidell said. “This sounds like something from a third-world country, where you have powerful military intelligence watching everybody.”
LinX administrators say it is nothing more than an information-sharing network that connects records from participating police departments across the country. I thinl communist Poland had a similar system.
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Dupki Reporterzy
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Propaganda Czar |
Matt Drudge tweeted, “Just paid the Obamacare penalty for not 'getting covered'... I'M CALLING IT A LIBERTY TAX.”
That set off a stampede of liberal media criticism for Internet news pioneer because his critics are too dumb to understand how small businesses pay taxes.
After Jesse Lee responded that that Drudge’s tweet was a lie, the liberal media, with many mainstream media and left-wing reporters claimed Drudge doesn’t have to pay Obamacare’s Individual Mandate tax until next year. The individual mandate went into effect Jan. 1 of this year, and most people paying their taxes right now are paying taxes for 2013.
“Dude, there's no penalty until next yr,” Sahil Kapur of the leftwing Talking Points Memo tweeted.
TPM’s Dylan Scott wrote a full story with a headline alleging Drudge was “probably lying”, and went on “So either Drudge is lying or he paid a huge penalty a year earlier than he needed to.”
“Penalty isn't collected until 2015,” Sam Baker of National Journal tweeted at Drudge.
The Huffington Post’s Jeffrey Young wrote a full article in which he described Drudge’s tweet as “weird” and a “little head-scratching” because the Obamacare tax does not kick in until the 2014 tax year.
Drudge indicated in his follow-up tweets that since he is self-employed as the proprietor of The Drudge Report, he files as a small business. According to the IRS’s website for self-employed individuals, they are required to pay taxes quarterly.
So, when they file and pay those 2014 first quarter taxes, such individuals have to pay the Obamacare Individual Mandate tax if they opted to not have health insurance—like Drudge just did.
Additionally, the IRS form (1040-ES) for estimating quarterly taxes specifically recommends adding the mandate penalty to line 12 for "other taxes" -- to pay before the first quarterly deadline of April 15.
“It is true that thousands of small businesses will be forced to pay Obamacare taxes quarterly in 2014,” a Senate Budget Committee aide told Breitbart News on Friday afternoon.
Drudge even indicated as much in follow-up tweets, but the left-wing reporters—and the White House—have left their criticisms of him intact.
“Dazed team Obama media reporters think Opt-Out tax 'year away’?” Drudge tweeted. “Not for small businesses that file Qtr estimates. We're there NOW, baby #pay.”
Gówno zamiast mózgu osób w rządzie.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Dyskryminacja jest przestępstwem
A group of employees at South Puget Sound Community College caused outrage after they made it clear that white people would not be welcome at a planned diversity “happy hour” event, reported KING-TV in Seattle.
Dyskryminacja jest przestępstwem. Jeżeli jesteś biały, liberałowie nie obchodzi.
Liberalizm jest zaburzeniem psychicznym.
Dyskryminacja jest przestępstwem. Jeżeli jesteś biały, liberałowie nie obchodzi.
Liberalizm jest zaburzeniem psychicznym.
Janosik mentalność
Opportunity equality is what we guarantee as a nation. Income equality is another story best left for the socialist nations and the repeated failures in the annals of history.
But, it comes as no surprise that the hypocrisy of liberals and progressives is shown clearly in that the most liberal cities in America have the widest spread in income classes.
A study by the Brookings Institution (known to be a liberal think tank) used Census data to determine the most income unequal cities in America. Their study found that cities with liberal governments are the ones with the largest divide between the poor and the rich.
Alan Barube, the report's author, found that cities with vast income differences will have issues with education, job creation and middle class families leaving. He also points out that with President Obama and other Democrats pushing the agenda of an increased minimum wage and President Obama directly addressing income inequality, these statistics could have a political impact.
Los Angeles is one of the top 10 cities in America for income inequality, with the top 5% earning 12 times more than the bottom 20% of residents. New York City , Oakland , Washington and Chicago ranked alongside LA.
The data shows that the income disparity is even greater in San Francisco, Atlanta, Boston and Miami.
Wysiąść swój tyłek
But, it comes as no surprise that the hypocrisy of liberals and progressives is shown clearly in that the most liberal cities in America have the widest spread in income classes.
A study by the Brookings Institution (known to be a liberal think tank) used Census data to determine the most income unequal cities in America. Their study found that cities with liberal governments are the ones with the largest divide between the poor and the rich.
Alan Barube, the report's author, found that cities with vast income differences will have issues with education, job creation and middle class families leaving. He also points out that with President Obama and other Democrats pushing the agenda of an increased minimum wage and President Obama directly addressing income inequality, these statistics could have a political impact.
Los Angeles is one of the top 10 cities in America for income inequality, with the top 5% earning 12 times more than the bottom 20% of residents. New York City , Oakland , Washington and Chicago ranked alongside LA.
The data shows that the income disparity is even greater in San Francisco, Atlanta, Boston and Miami.
Wysiąść swój tyłek
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Hot Topic
After the last round of votes concluded Monday night, 28 senators talked the night away in series of speeches delivered on the chamber floor, focused on climate change (previously called global warming).
Although some call it a political stunt, the senators insist the event -- organized by the Climate Action Task Force -- will raise public awareness about global warming and how to stem it. Never mind the earth's temperature has not risen in the last 15 years or the fact that if the temperature goes up a little as it did during the Medieval Warm Period, the growing season will be longer and help feed the ever expanding population of the planet.
Demokraci mają kłopot myślenie poprawnie.
The Medieval Warm Period compared to Now
Big Brother in a small city
A new, scenic development surrounded by winding waterways in Lathrop, California is billed as a safe haven.
Only four bridges lead in and out of the area with security checkpoints and a fiberoptic video surveillance program. Every license plate scanned on those roads.
The first homes are already going up at River Islands, and the people who move in can expect to be part of a new era in policing. Read More...
Fear of the innocent
“Witnesses spotted a big Department of Homeland Security truck as well as DHS agents toting machine guns as they raided 221 Devoe Street, in Brooklyn,” reports the Gothamist.
While the raid unfolded, DHS snipers aimed their guns at residents in nearby buildings, causing panic and confusion. “I literally had a flashlight-gun pointed at me from a sniper on top of the black armored truck the first time I opened our window to see what was going on,” said one neighbor.
The increasing militarization of the Department of Homeland Security and its closer ties with local police departments has stoked increasing concerns that the war on drugs is being used as an excuse to turn America into a police state.
Terroryzm jest wykorzystywany jako narzędzie przez państwo większą kontrolę
Condoleezza Rice wrote the following in her book Joseph Stalin: Red Terror: “The system of terror was essential to Stalinism. . . . Terror was the creation to mold politically the control that they wanted.”
As we look back at the atrocities that have devastated America over the past 12 years since 9/11, one has to reflect upon history and see how it is that past dictators have profited from the use of “terror.”
While the raid unfolded, DHS snipers aimed their guns at residents in nearby buildings, causing panic and confusion. “I literally had a flashlight-gun pointed at me from a sniper on top of the black armored truck the first time I opened our window to see what was going on,” said one neighbor.
The increasing militarization of the Department of Homeland Security and its closer ties with local police departments has stoked increasing concerns that the war on drugs is being used as an excuse to turn America into a police state.
Terroryzm jest wykorzystywany jako narzędzie przez państwo większą kontrolę
Condoleezza Rice wrote the following in her book Joseph Stalin: Red Terror: “The system of terror
was essential to Stalinism. . . . Terror was the creation to mold politically
the control that they wanted.”
As we look back at the atrocities that have
devastated America over the past 12 years since 9/11, one has to reflect upon
history and see how it is that past dictators have profited from the use of
As we look back at the atrocities that have devastated America over the past 12 years since 9/11, one has to reflect upon history and see how it is that past dictators have profited from the use of “terror.”
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