Monday, December 16, 2013

Too Much Rx

The number of American children taking powerful anti psychotic drugs has nearly tripled over the last 10 to 15 years, according to recent research.

The increase comes not because of an epidemic of schizophrenia or other forms of serious mental illness in children, but because doctors are increasingly prescribing the drugs to treat behavior problems, a use not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A disproportionate number of those prescriptions are written for poor and minority children, some as young as age two.

Note that Sandy Hook, Aurora and other recent mass murders were on anti psychotic drugs.  

300 Lashes for Political Speech

A Saudi judge sentenced a political activist to 300 lashes and four years in prison for calling for a constitutional monarchy in Saudi Arabia, his rights group said on Sunday.

Omar al-Saeed is the fourth member of the Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association (ACPRA) to be jailed this year after the group issued statements attacking the ruling family over its human rights record and calling for democracy.

Saeed did not have legal representation at the secret hearing when he was sentenced, ACPRA said in a statement on its website.

Free Speech not Respected

Worse than Communism
A 5th grade student won first place after he gave a speech about the history of people using religion to justify murder, but was stripped of his title the same day by a school official.

Zachary Golob-Drake gave the speech to his class at the Patel Partnership School in hopes that he would be chosen to represent the school at the regional 4-H Tropicana Public Speech Contest.

Zachary said the assistant principal told him his speech was inappropriate before school was dismissed.