Thursday, July 18, 2013

Political Thugs

Colorado voters attempting to recall two state lawmakers who helped pass a rash of draconian gun control laws that were rammed through the legislature now charge that Chicago-style thug tactics are being used to get them to recant their signatures.

“Everyone who signed a recall petition has received multiple phone calls, mailers and face-to-face visits in an attempt to get them to remove their name,” said Victor Head, a plumber from Pueblo.

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U.S. Unhealthy Situation

On the heels of the Obama administration clamping down on oil and gas exploration and President Obama declaring what many consider to be a war on coal, environmental groups are now urging the government to deny exploration of the world’s largest known copper reserve before the permitting process even begins.

The Pebble Mine in Alaska could produce more than 80 billion pounds of copper, an amount that could wipe out America’s need to import the element. Currently, some 35 percent of the copper used in the U.S. is brought in from foreign sources.

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tracking Cars

Automatic license plate readers are the most widespread location tracking technology you’ve probably never heard of. Mounted on patrol cars or stationary objects like bridges, they snap photos of every passing car, recording their plate numbers, times, and locations. At first the captured plate data was used just to check against lists of cars law enforcement hoped to locate for various reasons (to act on arrest warrants, find stolen cars, etc.). But increasingly, all of this data is being fed into massive databases that contain the location information of many millions of innocent Americans stretching back for months or even years.

See story at ACLU site

Can't Get Through

Precious minutes were lost and a man died after suffering a heart attack at Kennedy Airport. Two teams of first responders failed to reach the victim because their electronic ID cards couldn’t open secure doors at the newly renovated Delta terminal.

A Stupid Army?

Less than a week after the Pentagon began furloughing hundreds of thousands of civilian personnel due to budget cuts, the Army ordered more than $80,000 worth of televisions for the terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay. 

And, people still tell Polish jokes?