Saturday, October 27, 2012

Despecable Democrat

Estelle Carson named “Democrat of The Year” this year by the Jefferson County Democratic Party in Colorado has been convicted of felony theft. The despicable Democrat stole checks from a developmentally disabled 71-year-old woman using them to pay her own cable, cell phone and Internet bills.

The victim is partially blind, developmentally disabled, has cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair. She is on a fixed income of $596 per month according to the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office.

Despecable Democrat Estelle Carson

nie potrzebuję Demokratów

Democrat Thuggery

In Alta Loma, California someone keyed the word “Obama” into two cars and slashed seats in another outside a residence that had Mitt Romney campaign signs.

A TV reporter spoke to Ken Slown, owner of one of the keyed vehicles. Slown actually supports President Obama!

He explained to Schmitt that he and his wife — both currently unemployed — are staying with her parents and it’s her parents who support Romney.

"I don’t know if they were trying to get a point across, to vote for Obama,” said Slown, “but to do something like this is not going to get the point across.”

He estimates the damage to both of his vehicles at about $3,400.

In addition to both cars being keyed, his wife’s vehicle had her seats slashed, as well. Said Slown, “They pretty much cut the backs of all of the seats.”

A neighbor, who also has a Romney/Ryan sign in their front yard, were also hit. “Obama” keyed in the hood and on the black gate of an SUV.

Report from KCAL-TV.

Demokraci idą do piekła

Nasty Campaign

Democrats supposedly vandalised a church marquee sign in Huntington, Indiana last week. Under the cover of darkness the sign was changed to read -  “Christ voted Democrat” and the other side read “Romney hates women”, the remaining letters were stolen.

The pastor of the church, said the statements on the sign were vandalism and that the authorities had been contacted.

Brak szacunku dla Kościoła - Demokraci idą do piekła

Friday, October 26, 2012

Oh! Sweet Poverty

The U.S. spent more than $60,000 to support welfare programs per household in poverty in 2011 according to the OMB and CRS.

16.8 million households divided by the federal money spent =  average spending per household in poverty of $61,194."

However, some above the poverty line also receive benefits from social welfare programs (e.g. pell grants).

If welfare is a safety net it seems to be gold plated.

U.S. Welfare Queen