Monday, March 7, 2011

Teachers missing in action

Money for nothing

Congressmen who lost in the 2010 election during the Republican landslide gave millions of dollars in extra pay to their aides when they closed down their offices, according to lawmakers' spending records.

96 out going Congressmen paid their staffers $6.7 million, or 31%, more in the fourth quarter of 2010 than they did, on average, in the first three quarters of the year.

Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.

Where does the $ go?

February 2011's federal government deficit was $223 billion and marks the 29th straight month of red ink, according to preliminary numbers by the Congressional Budget Office.

The whole 2007 deficit was only $161 billion.

Let me repeat that. The whole 12 months of 2007 was $62 billion less than what was spent this February.

The last surplus month recorded was September 2008.

The federal deficit for last month is almost four times larger than the spending cuts House Republicans have passed in their spending bill, and is more than 30 times the size of Senate Democrats’ opening bid of $6 billion.

Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.