Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Government Control Freaks

American voters believe free market competition will protect Internet users more than government regulation and fear that regulation will be used to push a political agenda.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 21% of Likely U.S. Voters want the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to regulate the Internet as it does radio and television. Fifty-four percent (54%) are opposed to such regulation, and 25% are not sure.

The Rasmussen Report

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Government Brutes

Caution: Contains Crude Language

I'm pretty confident administrators of O bama Care will be just as careful with your life. Be sure to thank Marcy for voting for a bill that the majority of Americans are smart enough to not want.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Snow Job

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past

From the UK Independent Newspaper

By Charles Onians 20 March 2000

Britain's winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives. BLAH BLAH BALH

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.


Forward to 2010

Coldest winter in Britain's recorded history. Snow and ice grounded the vast majority of flights in and out of Britain, with Heathrow the worst-affected airport. The airport cancelled all incoming flights on Sunday (December 19) after the authorities were unable to de-ice the taxiing areas and stands where planes are parked.


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Good Samaritans Punished

Two men from Maryland fought to save the life of a deer trapped in icy water this past week. That good deed was rewarded with tickets. A natural resources police officer on the scene wrote both men a ticket imposing $90 fines. The crime: Not wearing personal floating devices on the boat. One rescuer said the cop didn’t say anything as we went in and out of the water numerous times. He didn’t stop us at all.

The men say they'll fight the ticket.

Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Green is Color of Crap

The last half of this video is more salient than first half.

The Spanish economy is going bust with their green agenda. America energy independence is being held hostage by Congress and the President. ANWR and off shore drilling plus the oil sands of Wyoming and Utah could reduce our venerability while development of natural gas and algae based bio fuels replace oil. Of course we should have begun drilling new fields 10 years ago.
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Monday, December 13, 2010

Rate This

Yeah, government is that STUPID
Moody's warned 12-13-2010 that it could move a step closer to cutting the U.S. Aaa rating if President Obama's tax and unemployment benefit package becomes law. The risk out weighs the benefit for Congress to spend more money it doesn't have. Treasury prices fell sharply in volatile trade last week mostly due to concerns the package will increase government debt levels to ridiculous levels.

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Why American economy is going extinct

Here's your Dinosaur Eggs
 Stimulus sucks because of idiotic uses of precious money at a time when our economy is going down the drain. The National Science Foundation Gave a $141,002 federal stimulus grant to Montana State University to fund a six-week, student trip to Hangzhou, China, to study dinosaur eggs and other fossils.

The students found ample time to experience Chinese culture and explore on taxpayers' money, but the dinosaur eggs did not hatch any new jobs.

Call the NSF inspector general at 800-428-2189. Tell him this is idiocy of the first order.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

What's Up?

How safe do you feel now that it is known the FAA is missing critical info on who owns one-third of the nearly 360,000 private and commercial aircraft in the U.S. ? Ya think this could be exploited by terrorists and drug traffickers.

Official records are in such disarray that the Federal Aviation Administration says it is worried that criminals could buy planes without the government's knowledge, or use the registration numbers of other aircraft to evade new computer systems designed to track suspicious flights.

About 120,000 aircraft on the registry have "questionable registration" because of sloppy paperwork problems. In many cases, the FAA cannot say who owns a plane or even whether it is still flying or has been junked.

Now tell me you trust the Government running healthcare, the financial system or any other thing it can get its grubby hands on.

Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mother's Milk Threat

Mother's Milk Threat

It must be a prerequisite to be a dupa to work for the TSA. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano is definitely a dupa.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

American Bailout of Euro Banks

Unknown to the public till recently European banks took a huge chunk of the $3.3 trillion in emergency credit provided by the Federal Reserve during the financial crisis.

European banks borrowed billions of U.S. dollars at favorable terms from the Fed and this ought to piss off  Americans already enraged about the Fed’s rescue of Wall Street.

The Federal Reserve should operate in the sunshine rather than dark back alleys.

Congress is Rigged

Not realizing the mic was hot, a Senator voiced frustration with the way the Food Safety Bill vote went down. He referred to the whole system as being rigged, that no one even got a chance to talk about it before the vote was jammed in. You already knew the system was rigged - this is merely confirmation.

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