American voters believe free market competition will protect Internet users more than government regulation and fear that regulation will be used to push a political agenda.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 21% of Likely U.S. Voters want the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to regulate the Internet as it does radio and television. Fifty-four percent (54%) are opposed to such regulation, and 25% are not sure.
The Rasmussen Report
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Government Brutes
Caution: Contains Crude Language
I'm pretty confident administrators of O bama Care will be just as careful with your life. Be sure to thank Marcy for voting for a bill that the majority of Americans are smart enough to not want.
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I'm pretty confident administrators of O bama Care will be just as careful with your life. Be sure to thank Marcy for voting for a bill that the majority of Americans are smart enough to not want.
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Sunday, December 19, 2010
Snow Job
Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past
From the UK Independent Newspaper
By Charles Onians 20 March 2000
Britain's winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives. BLAH BLAH BALH
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".
"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.
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From the UK Independent Newspaper
By Charles Onians 20 March 2000
Britain's winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives. BLAH BLAH BALH
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".
"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.
Forward to 2010
Coldest winter in Britain's recorded history. Snow and ice grounded the vast majority of flights in and out of Britain, with Heathrow the worst-affected airport. The airport cancelled all incoming flights on Sunday (December 19) after the authorities were unable to de-ice the taxiing areas and stands where planes are parked.
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Good Samaritans Punished
Two men from Maryland fought to save the life of a deer trapped in icy water this past week. That good deed was rewarded with tickets. A natural resources police officer on the scene wrote both men a ticket imposing $90 fines. The crime: Not wearing personal floating devices on the boat. One rescuer said the cop didn’t say anything as we went in and out of the water numerous times. He didn’t stop us at all.
The men say they'll fight the ticket.
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The men say they'll fight the ticket.
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Thursday, December 16, 2010
Green is Color of Crap
The last half of this video is more salient than first half.
The Spanish economy is going bust with their green agenda. America energy independence is being held hostage by Congress and the President. ANWR and off shore drilling plus the oil sands of Wyoming and Utah could reduce our venerability while development of natural gas and algae based bio fuels replace oil. Of course we should have begun drilling new fields 10 years ago.
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The Spanish economy is going bust with their green agenda. America energy independence is being held hostage by Congress and the President. ANWR and off shore drilling plus the oil sands of Wyoming and Utah could reduce our venerability while development of natural gas and algae based bio fuels replace oil. Of course we should have begun drilling new fields 10 years ago.
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Monday, December 13, 2010
Rate This
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Yeah, government is that STUPID |
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Why American economy is going extinct
Stimulus sucks because of idiotic uses of precious money at a time when our economy is going down the drain. The National Science Foundation Gave a $141,002 federal stimulus grant to Montana State University to fund a six-week, student trip to Hangzhou, China, to study dinosaur eggs and other fossils.
The students found ample time to experience Chinese culture and explore on taxpayers' money, but the dinosaur eggs did not hatch any new jobs.
Call the NSF inspector general at 800-428-2189. Tell him this is idiocy of the first order.
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Here's your Dinosaur Eggs |
The students found ample time to experience Chinese culture and explore on taxpayers' money, but the dinosaur eggs did not hatch any new jobs.
Call the NSF inspector general at 800-428-2189. Tell him this is idiocy of the first order.
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
What's Up?
How safe do you feel now that it is known the FAA is missing critical info on who owns one-third of the nearly 360,000 private and commercial aircraft in the U.S. ? Ya think this could be exploited by terrorists and drug traffickers.
Official records are in such disarray that the Federal Aviation Administration says it is worried that criminals could buy planes without the government's knowledge, or use the registration numbers of other aircraft to evade new computer systems designed to track suspicious flights.
About 120,000 aircraft on the registry have "questionable registration" because of sloppy paperwork problems. In many cases, the FAA cannot say who owns a plane or even whether it is still flying or has been junked.
Now tell me you trust the Government running healthcare, the financial system or any other thing it can get its grubby hands on.
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Official records are in such disarray that the Federal Aviation Administration says it is worried that criminals could buy planes without the government's knowledge, or use the registration numbers of other aircraft to evade new computer systems designed to track suspicious flights.
About 120,000 aircraft on the registry have "questionable registration" because of sloppy paperwork problems. In many cases, the FAA cannot say who owns a plane or even whether it is still flying or has been junked.
Now tell me you trust the Government running healthcare, the financial system or any other thing it can get its grubby hands on.
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Thursday, December 2, 2010
Mother's Milk Threat
Mother's Milk Threat
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
American Bailout of Euro Banks
Unknown to the public till recently European banks took a huge chunk of the $3.3 trillion in emergency credit provided by the Federal Reserve during the financial crisis.
European banks borrowed billions of U.S. dollars at favorable terms from the Fed and this ought to piss off Americans already enraged about the Fed’s rescue of Wall Street.
The Federal Reserve should operate in the sunshine rather than dark back alleys.
European banks borrowed billions of U.S. dollars at favorable terms from the Fed and this ought to piss off Americans already enraged about the Fed’s rescue of Wall Street.
The Federal Reserve should operate in the sunshine rather than dark back alleys.
Congress is Rigged
Not realizing the mic was hot, a Senator voiced frustration with the way the Food Safety Bill vote went down. He referred to the whole system as being rigged, that no one even got a chance to talk about it before the vote was jammed in. You already knew the system was rigged - this is merely confirmation.
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Friday, November 26, 2010
GM Bailout Douses Taxpayer
GM's stock offering had the purpose of paying back $50 billion bailout it received from taxpayer money. The UAW however made out much better than the taxpayers or other investors.
UAW got a generous share of GM stock in the company's bankruptcy settlement, so the United Auto Workers are well on their way to recouping the billions of dollars GM owed it - putting it far ahead of taxpayers who have recouped only about 30 percent of their investment and way ahead of investors in the old GM who have received nothing.
The boon for the union fits the pattern established when the White House pushed GM into bankruptcy and steered it through the courts in a way that consistently put the interests of the union ahead of many suppliers, dealers and investors - stakeholders that ordinarily would have fared as well or better under the bankruptcy laws.
The White House's auto task force engineered the bankruptcy and showed once again how the White House handsomely rewarded its political allies.
The union's health care and pension trust fund earned $3.4 billion through the sale of one-third of its shares in GM last week. Analysts estimate that the UAW would break even if it sells the remaining two-thirds of its shares at an average price of $36. GM shares closed at $33.45 on Wednesday.
For taxpayers to break even the stock would have to rise to at least $52 and by some estimates as high as $103 - levels that would take years to achieve.
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Taxpayers taking a bath You come after special interests |
The boon for the union fits the pattern established when the White House pushed GM into bankruptcy and steered it through the courts in a way that consistently put the interests of the union ahead of many suppliers, dealers and investors - stakeholders that ordinarily would have fared as well or better under the bankruptcy laws.
The White House's auto task force engineered the bankruptcy and showed once again how the White House handsomely rewarded its political allies.
The union's health care and pension trust fund earned $3.4 billion through the sale of one-third of its shares in GM last week. Analysts estimate that the UAW would break even if it sells the remaining two-thirds of its shares at an average price of $36. GM shares closed at $33.45 on Wednesday.
For taxpayers to break even the stock would have to rise to at least $52 and by some estimates as high as $103 - levels that would take years to achieve.
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Thursday, November 25, 2010
Litmus test
A Jewish group applied for non-profit status with the IRS and claims the Internal Revenue Service is targeting pro-Israel groups. They introduced a letter from an IRS agent in federal court this past week that they claim is outside appropriate scope of an IRS inquiry.
"Does your organization support the existence of the land of Israel?" IRS agent Tracy Dornette wrote the organization, as part of its consideration of the organizations application for tax exempt status. The IRS agent reviewing the application for tax exempt status said the agency is "carefully scrutinizing organizations that are in any way connected with Israel" and that "a special unit" is determining whether its activities "contradict the Administration's public policies."
Imagine if the Administration frowned upon Polish organizations supporting Poland.
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"Does your organization support the existence of the land of Israel?" IRS agent Tracy Dornette wrote the organization, as part of its consideration of the organizations application for tax exempt status. The IRS agent reviewing the application for tax exempt status said the agency is "carefully scrutinizing organizations that are in any way connected with Israel" and that "a special unit" is determining whether its activities "contradict the Administration's public policies."
Imagine if the Administration frowned upon Polish organizations supporting Poland.
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3 Year Old Pat Down
Touching your kid's junk.
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Secure Bikini
Why not just make this a nude society?
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Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.
Big Sis Sucks
Treating your own citizens with less respect than an enemy.
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Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Ain't so GREEN
Finally, Al Gore says, corn-based ethanol is not a good policy.
Total U.S. ethanol subsidies reached nearly $8 billion last year.
Any second rate physics or chemestry professor can tell you it takes about as much energy to produce a gallon of ethonol as it gives.
Gore explained his own support for the original programme on his presidential ambitions at a conference in Athens, Greece.
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Total U.S. ethanol subsidies reached nearly $8 billion last year.
Any second rate physics or chemestry professor can tell you it takes about as much energy to produce a gallon of ethonol as it gives.
Gore explained his own support for the original programme on his presidential ambitions at a conference in Athens, Greece.
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TSA Perverts
Perverted TSA (Transportation Security Administration) admitted an airport passenger screening went too far when an officer reached inside a female traveler's underwear. The woman was an employee of ABC News and the incident happened at Newark Airport one of 3 major airports serving NYC.
The victim said, "The woman who checked me reached her hands inside my underwear and felt her way around. It was basically worse than going to the gynecologist. It was embarrassing. It was demeaning. It was inappropriate."
The 7 year old granddaughter of a passenger was mortified seeing her busia get a "feel down" at the airport. When her granddaughter saw the pat down, “She said, "Grandmama, they touched you on your special girl spots" according to ABC News.
In another incident a bladder cancer survivor named Tom Sawyer said he was humiliated after a pat down broke his urostomy bag, leaving him soaked in his own urine. Sawyer said he warned the TSA officials twice the pat down could break the seal. He had to ask permission to pull up his urine soaked underpants and unfortunately he smelled of pee.
A flight attendant and breast cancer survivor said the TSA made her take off her prosthetic breast.
Complaints to the TSA get the responce - you don't have to submit to the body scanners or the pat downs adding though, that travelers would have to find a different form of transportation.
A video of a father taking his young son's shirt off so he can be searched has gone viral online with nearly half a million views in just three days. See below. Child molesters in general society got to jail.
Multimillion dollar deals with the government for high tech scanners that show too much under the clothes are made by companies who spend millions of dollars in lobbying to influence the dupki you vote into Congress.
L-3 Communications, which has sold $39.7 million worth of the machines to the federal government, inclued lobbyists like Linda Daschle wife of digraced South Dakota Senator Tom Daschle. She's a prominent Democratic figure in Washington, and is a former Federal Aviation Administration official.
The TSA maintains the aggressive "feel downs" are an important measure in preventing any exploding device from making it onto a plane. Change you can believe in is intrusive and demeaning. We now have the equivalent of Airport Gestapo. El Al the Israeli Airline has little problems with their methods of screening and has been keeping their passengers safe for decades without all the ridiculous aforementioned crap.
Keep voting the same dupki into office on the federal, state and local levels and put another industry out of business.
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The victim said, "The woman who checked me reached her hands inside my underwear and felt her way around. It was basically worse than going to the gynecologist. It was embarrassing. It was demeaning. It was inappropriate."
The 7 year old granddaughter of a passenger was mortified seeing her busia get a "feel down" at the airport. When her granddaughter saw the pat down, “She said, "Grandmama, they touched you on your special girl spots" according to ABC News.
In another incident a bladder cancer survivor named Tom Sawyer said he was humiliated after a pat down broke his urostomy bag, leaving him soaked in his own urine. Sawyer said he warned the TSA officials twice the pat down could break the seal. He had to ask permission to pull up his urine soaked underpants and unfortunately he smelled of pee.
A flight attendant and breast cancer survivor said the TSA made her take off her prosthetic breast.
Complaints to the TSA get the responce - you don't have to submit to the body scanners or the pat downs adding though, that travelers would have to find a different form of transportation.
A video of a father taking his young son's shirt off so he can be searched has gone viral online with nearly half a million views in just three days. See below. Child molesters in general society got to jail.
Multimillion dollar deals with the government for high tech scanners that show too much under the clothes are made by companies who spend millions of dollars in lobbying to influence the dupki you vote into Congress.
L-3 Communications, which has sold $39.7 million worth of the machines to the federal government, inclued lobbyists like Linda Daschle wife of digraced South Dakota Senator Tom Daschle. She's a prominent Democratic figure in Washington, and is a former Federal Aviation Administration official.
The TSA maintains the aggressive "feel downs" are an important measure in preventing any exploding device from making it onto a plane. Change you can believe in is intrusive and demeaning. We now have the equivalent of Airport Gestapo. El Al the Israeli Airline has little problems with their methods of screening and has been keeping their passengers safe for decades without all the ridiculous aforementioned crap.
Keep voting the same dupki into office on the federal, state and local levels and put another industry out of business.
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Friday, October 22, 2010
Source: AP 10-22-2010
The head of OneAmerica Votes, says the campaign is about empowering immigrants illegals who feel they can't contribute to a campaign. "Immigrants really do matter, if we can't vote ourselves, we're gonna knock on doors, or get family members to vote."
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
3 squared
Take all the burden off parents - make the kids wards of the state. 3 squares and a warm bed. Oh, and some discipline wouldn't hurt. Might even reduce the gang-banger population making our Capital more safe.
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Yummy... prison food. At least we're preparing American youth for the future. |
Getting kids to eat three healthy meals a day can be a challenge, especially if money is tight. But D.C. Public Schools have found a way to take some of that burden off parents. They are now serving dinner at school.
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Driving Miss Crazy

The biggest expense uncovered in the audit was $30 million in unjustified bonuses.
Will this help sink the NJ economy? Where's Chris Christie?
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Monday, October 18, 2010
Now will you pay attention?
New numbers posted on the Treasury Department website now show the National Debt has increased by more than $3 trillion since President Obama took office. The National Debt has hit an all time high of $13.665 trillion.
Every man, woman and child in the U.S. owes approximately $44,081.00. If you add unfunded liabilities that number is quadruple. Keep sending the same dupki to Washington till the economy crashes.
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Every man, woman and child in the U.S. owes approximately $44,081.00. If you add unfunded liabilities that number is quadruple. Keep sending the same dupki to Washington till the economy crashes.
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Friday, October 8, 2010
Big, big mistake
California toughened clean air standards 3 years ago based on research that overestimated pollution by 340%. The regulations obviously cost businesses and industries millions of dollars. The rule that forced businesses to cut diesel emissions by replacing or making costly upgrades to heavy-duty, diesel-fueled off-road vehicles used in construction and other industries. Ergo, negatively affecting the economy in a state that is virtually broke.
Wkrótce marihuany jest legalne w Kalifornii. Inagine the mistakes then.
So, what do you think regarding climate research?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Protective armor for students
Soon after being elected to the U.S. Senate in 1992, Patty Murray went on a radio show and said:
From Ann Coulter
I'd say school safety is not a problem in Poland, and the test scores are higher.
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That's stupid. If you see the flash you're blind for life. |
"When I was growing up, the big fear in my life was the nuclear war. I remember teachers giving us skills to deal with it, if that big alarm goes off, which was 'Hide under your desk.' Would that do any good? I don't know. But as a child, that gives you a feeling there's something to do beyond panic.
Today the biggest fear our kids live with is whether ... the kid beside them has a gun. We have to give them skills so they feel confident to deal with it."
The woman is not sure if ducking under a school desk would help in a nuclear attack. Not only that, but she wants to do something similarly pointless to help children "deal with" school shootings. Maybe imaginary bullet-proof vests!
I'd say school safety is not a problem in Poland, and the test scores are higher.
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Food Fight
First Lady Michelle Obama wants to replace french fries with carrot sticks among other substitutes in her quest to lessen childhood obesity. Skinny kids will suffer at the expense of fat kids. America is trying to dictate what you can or cannot put in your mouth. It is not the government's prerogative. The conundrum is - if 1 out of every 7 kids lives in poverty in the U.S. why is there an obesity problem in the first place?
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Like a criminal |
In Los Angeles the school system wants to fingerprint students before dishing out cafeteria food. Those concerned with privacy rights say the plan to biometrically identify students could lead to civil rights violations.
This huge expenditure in a cash strapped state is meant for poorer students who receive free lunches so they would no longer have to pay with embarrassing tickets.
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Friday, September 24, 2010
America's Comedy Central cable network dupek Stephen Colbert was asked by a Democrat judiciary subcommittee chairwoman to testify about immigrations issues. He was not serious using his comedic character to joke about issues and tried to enter images from his colonoscopy into the Congressional Record .
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Dupek Stephen Colbert |
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Tail covering the hole |
A waste of taxpayer money and Congressional time. It speaks to the lunacy of the Democrat Party who themselves are dupki. A rear view of the donkey symbol they use is proof.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The 1st Aunt was illegal & collecting welfare
"If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen." Those are the words from Obama's 58-year-old aunt Zeituni Onyango of Kenya in a recent exclusive interview with WBZ-TV Boston.
WBZ-TV Report
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Aunt Zeituni says we have an obligation to make her a citizen |
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The Big Lie
According to an analysts cited by the New York Post September 19 the true U.S. national debt is much higher than the official sum of $13.4 trillion given by the Congressional Budget Office.
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Read this Congress |
The Government is lying with ENRON type accounting as we see an explosion in federal spending.
In 1980, the debt was $909 billion representing 33% of GDP. Today, the $13.4 trillion stated by the CBO is 92 per cent of GDP. In another two years the debt will be 101% of GDP.
The reason we are being tricked is because CBO is not counting off-budget obligations such as required spending for Social Security and Medicare. Without payment cuts or higher payroll taxes - the system is racing toward bankruptcy. On projections, you will get 76 cents on the dollar in benefits by 2037.
David Walker, the US Comptroller General from 1998 to 2008 says the true debt figure is at least 5 times greater than what is being reported. and is a greater threat than terrorism.
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Saturday, September 18, 2010
Pissing away money
The city received $111 million in stimulus under American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) approved by the Democrat controlled Congress more than year ago.
The Los Angeles Department of Public Works generated only 45.46 jobs (the fraction of a job created or retained correlates to the number of actual hours of work) after receiving $70.65 million, while the target was 238 jobs. Therefore, each job cost $1,554,113.51 of taxpayer money.
L.A.'s department of transportation created only 9 jobs with $40.8 million or $4,533,333.33 per job.
How's that hope and change thingy working out for you? Where's that money going?
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Monday, September 13, 2010
Cabbage Police?

Steve Miller said he has spent fifteen years growing crops to give away and sell at local farmers markets.
Maybe the government thinks the food stamp program is in jeopardy. Maybe the government thinks controlling food supply is a way to control people like in Cuba and Venezuela.
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Monday, August 30, 2010
Another Obamination
U.S. Education Secretary under Obama administration urged his employees to attend Rev. Sharpton's rally to counter a larger conservative event on the Mall in the nation's capital.
Read the story from the Wwashington Examiner
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Read the story from the Wwashington Examiner
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Saturday, August 21, 2010
End Government Health Care
You know the Health Care Bill is terrible when Democrats have been instructed how they must address public concerns. Look at the last point - Don't say the law will reduce costs and the deficit. Do you feel lied too? In Poland there is a movement to end government controlled health care.
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From Power Point Presentation prepared by Herndon Alliance & partners AARP, AFL, CIO, SEIU,, La Raza and Healthcare for America Now. |
60% favor repeal of health care law in an August Rasmussian poll. We need a veto proof Congress.
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No audit of Institution that controls money supply, thus your economic life
The Federal Reserve was created in 1913. and operates without sufficient scrutiny or oversight. Ron Paul and some others had sought an audit of the Federal Reserve to no avail. A Democrat Congress and President have blocked any attempt to have transparency. Since its creation the Fed has presided over the near-complete destruction of the United States dollar losing 95% of its value. Thomas Jefferson said a central bank is more dangerous than a standing army. At least in Poland there is less secrecy regarding operations of their central bank. Andrew Jackson actually did away with the American central bank of his era. Monetary policies controlled by a central banking system can cause worse problems than oppressive laws passed by legislation. We have a just passed Financial Reform Bill of 2,000 + pages, but Democrat majority killed any chance of making the Federal Reserve accountable to the people.
Teddy Roosevelt said, "We are the government, you and I." If this were true today, we would have open, honest accounting from the federal banking system.
A silver quarter could buy a gallon of gasoline in 1955. A silver quarter would buy a gallon of gasoline today.
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Teddy Roosevelt said, "We are the government, you and I." If this were true today, we would have open, honest accounting from the federal banking system.
A silver quarter could buy a gallon of gasoline in 1955. A silver quarter would buy a gallon of gasoline today.
Before 1964 the dollar was a silver certificate not a worthless bank note.
My złoty is increasing in value. What's in your piggy bank?
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Friday, August 20, 2010
You owe Big Time
U.S. Debt = $44,000 per capita. 47% of Households do not pay federal income tax.
Government workers make more than double workers in private sector
Citizens are bailing
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Government workers make more than double workers in private sector
Citizens are bailing
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Monday, August 16, 2010
Death Panel
When is a Death Panel not unlike a Death Squad? I fear we'll be finding out soon.
The FDA is thinking about revoking the sale of the world's best selling and very expensive drug Avastin for advanced breast cancer treatment. If it does it will mark the start of 'death panel' drug rationing and debate over U.S. health care reform and how much the government should spend on expensive treatments.
About 18,000 women take the drug at a cost of $8,000 per month or more. Initial life was extended more than 5 months, but new studies indicate less.
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Good for coffin sales - one of the few things still made in the U.S. |
The FDA has decided to drop the endorsement for breast cancer treatment. Usually the FDA cites effectiveness when they drop some drug. The real reason here just ahead of Obamacare reforms is cost in which the government will extend health insurance to the poorest.
This is the start of evidence that Obama’s overhaul of the health care system forcing many to be denied treatments currently available if deemed too expensive are true.
They do this kind of crap in Britain - withholding treatment from a patient simply because their life is not deemed valuable enough.
A final decision will be made shortly. Expect more to come under Obamacare.
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Friday, August 13, 2010
Trickle Up Poverty
This government plan is a thing that wouldn't happen in Poland.
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Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.
14th Amendment

There are calls to amend the U.S. Constitution to deny automatic citizenship to children solely by virtue of their birth within this country.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Gov't Elites
U.S. Federal employees make more than twice as much as those working in the private sector on average. When Poland was a Communist country, there was a ruling elite. Appears this is true for today's America.
Spread the wealth, huh?
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Spread the wealth, huh?
Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Right guy for job?
Obama administration's acting U.S. solicitor general since Elena Kagan was nominated to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court is Neal Katyal, who served as the legal counsel for the man who worked as Osama bin Laden’s driver 1996 through 2001.
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Is Neal holding Constitution? |
The case of Salim Ahmed Hamdan, who underwent training at an al Qaeda camp, was charged with transporting weapons to al Qaeda operatives and culminated in the 2006 Supreme Court ruling that said the Bush administration’s military tribunals violated U.S. law and international conventions.
Katyal argued that the war on terrorism is not really a war - in any sense of the term against any nation state or indeed against any well defined enemy.
Bye-bye American Pie
American are standing in queue at the US Embassy in London hoping to denounce their citizenship, as they seek shelter from the Internal Revenue Service. The backlog is so great at the American Embassy, no appointments are available until February 2011. Many American expatriates living in the UK seek to escape paying US tax on their worldwide income and capital gains since the recent changes in US tax codes.
Americans becoming British, after years of working at high pay jobs in UK or being married to a British subject, can work elsewhere in EU and stay outside the UK tax net for the most part.
Most of these people have $2 million or more income.
Americans becoming British, after years of working at high pay jobs in UK or being married to a British subject, can work elsewhere in EU and stay outside the UK tax net for the most part.
Most of these people have $2 million or more income.
This denouncement of citizenship is more honorable than pulling a Charlie Rangle.
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Monday, August 2, 2010
Pete Stark (D-CA) Federal Gov't can do most anything in this country
Decide for yourself if this Congressman who sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution even has knowledge that it was written to limit the scope of Federal government protecting the liberty and freedom for which the revolution was fought. This guy is a power and control freak. Like the privileged class of rulers in Communist Poland era...
Idioci w naszym rządzie. Idź do piekło. Jesteś zabicie tego kraju.
Dust to Dust : Freedom to Bondage
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is considering a crackdown on farm dust.
21 Senators wrote 23 July 2010 to the EPA , "If approved, would establish the most stringent and unparalleled regulation of dust in our nation's history." It further states, "We respect efforts for a clean and healthy environment, but not at the expense of common sense. These identified levels will be extremely burdensome for farmers and livestock producers to attain. Whether its livestock kicking up dust, soybeans being combined on a dry day in the fall, or driving a car down the gravel road, dust is a naturally occurring event."
If you work ground, you will have dust. This is true even in road construction. The regulations are going to put hardship for farmers from doing things they need to be do.
21 Senators wrote 23 July 2010 to the EPA , "If approved, would establish the most stringent and unparalleled regulation of dust in our nation's history." It further states, "We respect efforts for a clean and healthy environment, but not at the expense of common sense. These identified levels will be extremely burdensome for farmers and livestock producers to attain. Whether its livestock kicking up dust, soybeans being combined on a dry day in the fall, or driving a car down the gravel road, dust is a naturally occurring event."

Federal bureaucrats as unelected dictators need to find something more to regulate so they can keep their job. Are they trying to outlaw farming? Is it soon we need to import our food like oil from other countries?
This regulation if it come will causes problems of great proportion, and perhaps food riots when the supply of food is low and rationed. Of course the elite ruling class in government will not suffer.
Let the EPA regulate dust storms in Iraq.
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Information from Oklahoma City
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