Friday, September 27, 2013

The Great Society

Completely asinine American social programs make many people unemployable and many times by choice.

The libs have destroyed the family unit with welfare, Medicaid, Section 8 housing, Aid for Dependent Children, ObamaPhones, Food Stamps, and the decaying school curriculum. They have no incentive to work or do anything productive.

Lazy dupki can live marginally on government handouts and make a little money on the side selling drugs or committing other felonies. There is no incentive to make something of themselves or contribute positively to society.  Ciężar dla społeczeństwa.

Anyone with balls would say it’s time to lighten the load.

Too bad it ends up like this ....thanks liberalism! Expecting a little self-reliance would go a long way opposed to LBJ's Great Society, which ain't that great.